Rotala Rotundifolia 'H'ra'
Rotala rotundifolia 'H'ra' has relatively small leaves. Grows up and hangs over but can also grow to creep with sufficient light. Colors red with a lot of light and CO2, turns extremely red with phosphate-poor dosing, but the color temperature of your lighting also plays a major role in reproducing the extremely red colors.
Rotala rotundifolia 'H'ra' has relatively small leaves. Grows up and hangs over but can also grow to creep with sufficient light. Colors red with a lot of light and CO2, turns extremely red with phosphate-poor dosing, but the color temperature of your lighting also plays a major role in reproducing the extremely red colors.
Rotala rotundifolia 'H'ra' has relatively small leaves. Grows up and hangs over but can also grow to creep with sufficient light. Colors red with a lot of light and CO2, turns extremely red with phosphate-poor dosing, but the color temperature of your lighting also plays a major role in reproducing the extremely red colors.
Are you looking for aquarium plants for your aquascape hobby?
We have some very nice specimens that are highly suitable and are widely used in the aquascaping hobby.
The plants are grown submerged. This means that they have grown underwater and not emersed, as is usually the case when you order your aquarium plants.
The great advantage of this method is that the plants are already in their submerged growth and do not have to transform to this state first. They will grow well right out of the box and what you see is what you get. An emersed grown plant can look different from the final underwater version.
The main reasons for growing plants emersed are the cheaper setup and lower maintenance costs. Another advantage is that no algae will grow on it, and no pathogens can come with it.
But our aquarium plants grow in a tank specifically designed for plants, without fish, but with shrimps that take care of the plants and keep them in top condition.
We use the Twinstar Light III, which is widely used in the hobby.